A Bottle of Wine a Day isn’t Unhealthy, Reveals Controversial Study

A number of studies have shown that drinking a glass of wine a day seems to be good rather than detrimental to one’s health.


However, recent research conducted by alcohol expert, Dr. Kari Poikolainen, who believes that an entire bottle is not unhealthy either, reveals, “Protection from [coronary heart disease] by alcohol seems to be especially beneficial for men, for the old and middle-aged, for patients with CHD, and for healthy individuals with a family history of CHD. On the other hand, abstaining might be the healthiest choice for many patients with certain diseases, such as depression, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, or peptic ulcer, when these are alcohol-related. Risk of alcohol dependence should also be considered.”


In spending a number of years in research, Poikolainen thinks that it isn’t harmful for the reason that alcohol only begins to be harmful when one consumes 13 and more units in a day. However, a bottle on wine only contains 10 units and is thus, within safe limits.


In his book that reveals the positive effects of drinking, he reveals that it is better to indulge in moderate drinking as opposed to abstaining from it completely. Of course, drinking heavily is not recommended, and abstinence in this sense is much better.


Even though he has critics who believe he has gone to far, certain studies are in favor of drinking as opposed to abstaining completely from it.


As for heavy drinkers, the risk of CHD is imminent and cannot be ignored – a fact that has been driven home by this study as well, no matter how controversial it might seem in other aspects.