Category: Medical
New Drug Can Help Immune System Fight Cancer Cells, reveals a UK study
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 650,000 cancer patients receive chemotherapy in the United States annually. Yet with this treatment, patients become more susceptible to infections, thanks to a weakened immune system. Hence the need for a class of experimental drugs that helps the immune system to fight cancer too. This…
Study Reveals 9 Risk Factors For Alzheimer’s Disease, Sixth Leading Cause of Death in the United States
Obesity, high blood pressure and depression may be bad for your health. But there’s more: it also increases your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. In a study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, researchers wanted to look for similarities between Alzheimer’s patients in order to find common risk factors. Using this research,…
New Study Takes New Approach To Cancer Cure, Curbs The Creation of Energy
For a while, cancer research for cure, has focused on the various genetic mutations behind a number of cancers. Now, a new study published in the journal, Cancer Cell, has taken a different approach. This new approach targets the pathways that the cells use the curb their never-ending appetite for energy. In explaining the attention…
New Approach Necessary to Counter Obesity in Children, Reveals a Lancet Article
Article written by Weight Gone Now In a new six-part series published in The Lancet, a study concludes that progress to counter the ongoing obesity epidemic, especially affecting children, is very slow and which demands a new approach. Dr.Lobstein sums up this demand for a new approach, in saying, “Fat children are an investment in…
Link between Type 2 Diabetes and Yogurt exists, reveals Harvard study
In a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, a clear relationship exists between the consumption of yoghurt as well as the risk of Type 2 diabetes. The senior researcher, Dr. Frank Hu, said, “We found that higher intake of yogurt is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, whereas other…