If you’re on the way to see the dentist for TMJ symptoms, it’s helpful to do some preparation so you have an idea of what you want to say to the dentist. The right question, or detail, can help provide some insight into your affliction and give the dentist some ideas on how to treat the problem. Here is some advice for those looking to take that first step towards recovery.
Talk with Family and Friends First
When you first recognize the symptoms, ask family and friends for their remedies. Most will recommend some form of compress or maybe even some dietary changes to softer foods. If those don’t work, consult a dental professional.
When did you first notice your symptoms, and how frequently do they occur? Thinking about your symptoms may help you pinpoint causes, such as points of high stress in your life. You should also make note of any headaches, neck strain or tooth aches you may be experiencing as these are symptoms of TMJ.
Also be prepared to let the dentist know if you’re taking any medications currently.
Your dentist may ask about your pain, specifically how frequently you experience pain and how long it takes for the pain to leave. He or she may also ask about any physical activity you might have that could trigger pain, such as exercise involving a ball that might strike the jawline.
Finally the dentist will perform some last minute checks and ask you to open and close your mouth to test whether you can do so normally without locking or popping your jaw.
From there, treatment options vary and are largely up to you. Neuromuscular dentistry techniques have proven effective, but some patients also utilize over the counter pain killers and a warm compress to manage the pain.
Article submitted by Dr. Sid Solomon. Dr. Sid Solomon treats chronic TMJ with state-of-the-art equipment out of his Los Angeles, California office.