DIM – A natural immune boosting supplement

With diseases like AIDS and cancer among several others not having a cure just yet, perhaps the only way to deal with these diseases is to prevent them, which have been written about by medical experts in the form of a cancer prevention diet.

And while there’s been no progress in finding a cure for both certain bacterial and viral diseases, scientists seem to have made progress in the discovery of a compound known as DIM. At this point, it is being used in several clinical trials for incurable diseases as mentioned earlier.

This compound is commonly found in Brassica form of vegetables and is also known to boost one’s immune system apart from its cancer preventing properties, and thus is also being tested on patient with immune deficiency related diseases. Some of these vegetables are Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage, and if one has healthy servings of these veggies, they can reduce the risk of cancer to a large degree.

Now, this compound (scientifically known as Diindolylmethane) has also been used in conjunction with other compounds to prepare a supplement that not only reduces the risk of cancer as well as boosts one’s immune system as well.

And while the search still continues to find a cure to some diseases such as cancer and AIDS, perhaps the answer lies in the aforementioned compound, as scientists are finding.