Getting the Smile of a Lifetime with Porcelain Veneers

Not everyone has perfect teeth naturally. In fact, most people require extensive dental work to be able to achieve the much sought after “Hollywood smile”. Still, your natural teeth shape and color does not have to hold you back from feeling confident and enjoying your own smile thanks to the development of porcelain veneers.

Thin coatings made of porcelain and placed over your teeth, veneers work to correct a number of issues while protecting your tooth as well from further decay and staining. Attached directly to your teeth after a thin layer of natural enamel is removed, veneers are a long-term solution (often times lasting up to 25 years) to many small defects that can occur on your teeth over time. This can include chips, cracks, stains and other minor deformities that may otherwise give you a less-than-desirable overall look.

Made popular on the TV show “Style by Jury”, porcelain veneers are a common solution for many people looking to give themselves a high-quality and long-lasting solution to their teeth issues. More than just cosmetic, Toronto dentists such as those at can attach porcelain veneers to your teeth to help protect them from decay and further damage as well. Because of their resilience to stains and damage veneers are a great solution for most people, however before choosing to proceed with veneers patients should bear in mind that the veneering process removes a portion of your tooth’s natural enamel. As such veneers are permanent and cannot be reversed should you change your mind about having them later on in life, and may need to replaced after a period of time due to natural wear and tear.