With the figures of cancer and AIDS patients rising every year, the lack of a cure has caused the medical community to wonder if the day will ever come when the millions of patients around the world will ever see the proverbial Damocles sword hanging over their heads.
However, the first steps towards a cure for these diseases have already been made ever since scientists at UC Berkeley discovered the unique properties of the compound, Diindolylmethane.
This compound is commonly found in the Brassica family of vegetables, and has been touted to be the most versatile compound that can be used not only in the treatment of a variety of bacterial and viral diseases, but also as a natural immune booster.
When it comes to cancer, this compound has been known to be very effective since it not only has shown promise in clinical trials, but has been found to be an excellent supplement for cancer prevention. According to a recent study, this supplement is so effective that it actually reduces a person’s chances of getting breast and prostate cancer by almost 40 to 60 percent.
Considering these properties, you can imagine how crucial the discovery of DIM is to doctors and patients around the world. In the case of cancer, it is being used along with Taxol to bring this disease under control. The National Institute of Cancer is also testing this compound to see if it works as a natural treatment for several forms of cancer. Currently, this compound is also being tested for its antiviral properties, especially when it comes to treating diseases that are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
All these developments should tell you how important this compound has become since it was released a few years ago.